Chicken Coop and hens arrived yesterday. One lovely rooster named Austin as we were setting up a bald eagle must have been curious as he flew right above out heads.
It surprised us due to all the noise and commotion we were making lowering the hen house onto its slabs of cement. Thrilled! All of us were so excited to see this majestic bird so close. His white feathers glistening in the sun.
Busy productive weekend.
My sister came over and helped to tame the weeds as my back has been out and my productivity was called to a halt. back on track now.
I've been drying flowers for wreath making, filling fresh flower orders and continuing the move of creative supplies, slowly setting it all into one space. Making life simpler is down right hard work!
Meeting with a bride for her September wedding, finishing details this week :)
I am reserving 2014 wedding dates contact me now for a wedding packet.
This Friday a last minute Flower Fun Evening! Pop by for some herbal refreshments and a free flower Make & Take to wet your appetite for farm fresh flowers.... I'll be hosting more of these so put the first Friday on your calender.
Wishing you a lovely September, Teemie