Sunday, July 21, 2013

ah the romance of

 ah the romance of  beauty in bloom.

Visions of blooms dancing in the air.. colors of pink Snaps, burgundy Dahlias, white Cosmos,  the scent of Sweet Annie wafting in the air.. What I have found to be true is gardening on this scale is seriously hard work. To bring these wedding visions to life can be very joyful yet I ponder  the weeding, mulching watering continuous tilling, planting, picking, dead heading, planning next years gardens on a grander scale.  The greenhouse going up...

A quick pick for a floral head wreath project....

Where did all this start?  As a kid I remember going into the local florist with my Mom to buy flowers. It was a quaint shop with flowers everywhere.Owens Florist in Almont, MI. Flowers in pots and buckets, on the counter, handfuls were being clipped and arranged right before my eyes. I fell in love!  The fragrance! The colors! Each petal designed by God's hand. 

Mrs Owens told Mom she would call her daughter to see if there was a certain spring bulb blooming in the greenhouse. I remember thinking... "A greenhouse? They have their own greenhouse? They can just go pick and bring it to the shop? " I was about 8 years old and I was awe struck. 

Mom drove me by their little flower farm that day. A little house with greenhouses near the road, I could see the daffodils through the glass panes. Rows of them. 

The passion for creating with flowers goes back a long ways. 

Working with beauty is hard work, but hey, someone has to do it. I'm so glad its me. 

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