Farm Garden

May rains

late winter storm 2013

my crooked rows planting in muddy clay

Random pictures as I learn how to navigate this new blog site. The first one is last fall as I was cleaning up the gardens. This spring with rain rain rain trying to figure out drainage. I did me and my trusty hoe we cleaned out a little ditch the previous owners dug and it all drained away. still working thus far. Ah... then winter and shot from late winter me longing for the warm weather lol 100 degrees today. the last is my newly tilled sight. yes crooked rows... as it was pointed out by my farmer boys Johnny & James.

Ok so much to learn here on this blog and on the land... I've been at the flowers since 2005 but mainly as a designer / shop keeper/ sun pit greenhouse grower. been gardening most of my life but feeling like a real rookie this year as the ground is screaming to be amended.
2012 garden in desperation I had composted horse manure and leave mold hauled in and spread over the lawn. It has proven to be a good method of a quick garden solution. Now in its 2nd year producing  well.

Happy Zinnias

Happy Sunflower

Pink Lizzie

Me learning how to focus on an orange Zinnia
Just cuz.... I'm leaning how to edit... hmmm not so good at this part...But aren't he colors great?!

Wild garden bouquet

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